I was filled with desire. There was nothing else I could
remember that had made me feel this way. It was more than attraction, it became
my obsession. It was all I could think about, filling my every waking moment…
and many of my sleeping ones, too. I would do anything just to be near the
object of my desire…. anything. I was consumed with the images… the sounds… the
way it made me feel. I was consumed with my red and black.
No, this isn’t the start of a poorly written erotic romance
novel. This is the plight of many Milan fans worldwide, things that help us
know that we truly love our red and black. If you can relate to any of these 50
shades, then you know you are in this relationship, too. A relationship of
pleasure and pain, of submitting to the Mister and giving up control of your
every weekend from August through May, and many weekdays, too. If any of these
50 shades of red and black sound familiar to you, then your masochism makes you
a Milan fan.
50 You plan your weekends around Milan games
49 You purchase things in red and black unconsciously
48 You own a Milan jersey
47 Milanello is a travel destination for you
46 Explaining to someone what a Scudetto is has happened
more than once
45 You make up Milan all time starting elevens instead of
doing what you ‘re supposed to be doing
44 You know who Tiziano Crudeli is
43 Conceding a goal feels like getting punched in the
42 Your Italian vocabulary is limited to words like forza, mercato, m**da, Scudetto, etc.
41 You’ve sacrificed your liver for the club
40 You’ve asked for something Milan related for your
birthday or Christmas
39 You’ve teared up listening to “Inno Milan”
38 You know the words to “Inno
37 You find yourself explaining to your boss why you were
screaming at work while watching a match
36 You’ve trained your children or nieces or nephews to hate
35 You’ve cried when a Milan player got injured
34 You’ve dreamt of being a Milan manager
33 The release of the new Milan jersey is more exciting than
32 You check Milan news more than once a day during the
31 You have more Milan related fantasies than any other kind
30 You’ve considered redecorating your place with a red and
black theme
29 You’ve redecorated your place with a red and black theme
28 You’ve considered getting a Milan tattoo, and you don’t
even like tattoos
27 You have a Milan tattoo
26 You get physically nauseated when you see black and blue
25 You’ve dumped someone because they can’t relate to your
red and black lifestyle
24 You sacrifice food, sleep, or any other life necessity to
watch Milan
23 You wake up in a cold sweat thinking you’ve missed a
22 You would sell out a friend for the chance to see Milan
21 You’ve considered getting a Mohawk because of our front
20 You’ve had actual heart palpitations when seeing a Milan
lineup or formation
19 You know more about Milan legends than you do your
extended family
18 You’ve used players’ names as curse words
17 The devil is not a theistic being to you, but an adorable
red mascot better known as “Milanello”
16 You have accidentally shouted a player’s name instead of
the person you’re with at an inopportune time
15 You wonder why Galliani Day™ is not an international
14 You confuse something you’ve done in FM with real life
13 After a loss, it feels like you’ve actually been violated
12 You have considered naming your child after a Milan
11 You ignore family and or friends for anything Milan
10 You read this blog (considered a form of torture)
9 You are concerned that your love of a particular player
may extend beyond normal fandom
8 You’ve met one or more Milan players
7 You’ve seen the team play
6 You pay more attention to Milan’s finances than your own
5 You’ve priced season tickets even though you don’t live in
4 You call our players by their first names
3 You fantasize about knowing our players by their first
2 You’ve made the pilgrimage to the San Siro for a match
1 You bleed red and black
If you can relate to any of these 50 shades of red and
black, then you are not living some fantasy, you are truly a Milan fan. Feel
free to add any other Milan fetishes you have in the comment section. Forza Milan!
This post inspired by the music of
She Wants Revenge
Our next match is
Cagliari vs. Milan
Sunday, February 10 • 15:00 CET (9am EST)
Also check out The State of the Union: Milan part 2
a Q&A hosted by @PDAcquaviva
featuring @ginodb, @DavidLSwan, and me!
part 1 here: The State of the Union: Milan part 1
a Q&A hosted by @PDAcquaviva
featuring @ginodb, @DavidLSwan, and me!
part 1 here: The State of the Union: Milan part 1
50 Shades of Red and Black
Reviewed by Elaine
1:07 AM